During a job search, there are many days, one might feel defeated or let down, but know that this frustration is a common thing with job seekers. In fact, a survey from Wrokopolis found that it usually takes around 16 weeks to land a job according to about 50% of the people surveyed.

The job market can be a tough place for job seekers. You definitely need patience and thick skin to survive, but if you stay optimistic, you will find just the right fit!

Job Search

If you’re feeling a little discouraged, remember these tips to stay positive during a job search!

Do some soul searching: Identify your strengths, skills and what motivates you. Also, make a list of what you liked most and least about your previous positions. All of these will give you better insight into what you should be applying for. Another good way to understand who you are is personality tests. These can help tell a lot about a person and why you do the things you do, and even what direction you should go in.

Fine-tune your skills: Give yourself a chance to better yourself and skills by strengthening soft skills like communication, leadership and networking. It might even be a good idea to look into some classes!

Create a support group: Sometimes it’s hard to believe in yourself, so take time to recruit friends, family and anyone who you think would be a good support system for you. They will help you stay positive and push on through. Ask them for support and maintain an healthy relationship to keep you motivated during the job search.

Refocus your thoughts: A lot of us beat ourselves up when we feel discouraged. Keep your career goals in mind, and brush those negative thoughts off.

Step away from the job search: Take time to regroup. Spend a few days away from your normal routine, this will allow you to have a fresh look on life and maybe even give you some insight on where you need to make your next move.

Turn challenges into opportunities: Sometimes the best opportunities are hidden in challenges. When you experience rejection, take those feelings and turn them into positive energy to push forward.

It’s OK to feel disappointed: We all have rough days, where we get discouraged, even the most positive people do, just don’t let it get to you. Reach out to your support group and remember all of the qualities you have to be a good candidate.

 Keep your focus: Having career goals is great, but in some instances it’s better to focus on smaller, more manageable steps that you need to take to reach that goal. Most everyone has a dream job or an idea of where they want to be, but focusing on the next step to get to that goal might help you feel less overwhelmed and give you an opportunity to get you where you need to be.

It can be tough to stay positive during a job search, that is why it’s important to keep the right mindset and have support. Don’t let your negative thoughts or negative people get in the way from achieving your goals. Keep your eyes on the prize!