Congratulations! You landed an interview. Now it is time to prepare.Interview Essentials You Should Bring To Every Interview

There are so many factors that play into a successful interview. To ensure you’re prepared and ready to shine, there are a few interview essentials you should remember to bring along.

  1. Copies of your resume: While most interviewers print out a copy of a candidates resume, it’s a good idea to bring a few just in case. The more prepared you are, the more respect you’ll get.
  2. A notepad and pen: Taking notes during an interview not only helps you to review thoughts afterwards, it shows you’re interested. This is another sign of being prepared. Anytime there is something important you want to remember, use a professional notepad and pen to write it down.
  3. Questions for the interviewer: An interview is not only to understand the candidate better, but it’s an opportunity for the person interviewed to learn more about the opportunity. Bring a list of important interview questions so you get the most out of the interview.
  4. Directions: Printing out directions can lower anxiety of the interview. To ensure you don’t get lost, give yourself extra time and follow the directions.
  5. Samples of your work: Not all fields require work samples, but if you plan on speaking to certain examples during your interview, bring the examples to give the interviewer tangible evidence. This is also another way to show you’re prepared.
  6. A folder and/or briefcase: You’re going to need something to hold all of your interview essentials. Find something professional to hold it all in one place. Whether it’s a briefcase or folder, this will show you’re an organized individual.
  7. A positive attitude: Nonverbal communication is so important. Make sure you put your best foot forward, exude confidence, and stay positive the whole way through.