I admire Lou Adler for writing an article on how keeping the end in mind can improve your situation by leaps and bounds. He, amongst other favorites, agree that beginning with the end in mind is the sure fire way to get what you want in life. This topic has been repeated again and again, but I think it is worth repeating.

People often get caught up in life and forget how to dream. Dreaming and visualization are two of the most powerful ways that you can change your life. In order to change things, you must become attached to a goal that is bigger than you. Once you have that focus, you can start working backwards to figure out a plan to get there.

So how do you focus on the end goal, or as Lou puts it, the “BECOME”?
First you need to dream. And you need to dream big.

Dreaming allows you to focus on the big picture. It brings clarity to your vision and helps tune you into what excites you. It is your motivator when times are tough and it becomes your focal point.

Dream boards are a great tool to begin this process of “BECOME-DO-GET-HAVE” that Lou describes. First, start off by writing out a description of your perfect life/career/day. Then cut out pictures from magazines that represent the goal, life or career you are envisioning. You can make the board very general to encompass all areas of your life, or you can focus it just on one aspect like your career. Glue these images to the board and then place it in a highly visible location in your home that you see on a daily basis. Each time you walk by it, you will be reminded of your vision. This keeps your END in focus and at the top of your mind.

One of my personal favorite online tools right now is Pinterest. If you haven’t tried it out yet, I highly recommend. It is a great tool for inspiration! You can use it to display motivational quotes, images of careers you are interested in, and articles to keep in mind when you are on the hunt for a new job. Check out these examples:

Job Search: http://pinterest.com/careerealism/job-search/
Quotes: http://pinterest.com/careerbuilder/job-search-inspiration/

Here are a few other online tools that you might want to consider:



Once your dream board is set, start thinking of the ways that you can get there. For example, if you are looking to get into a management role at your organization, then you will want to start looking into classes you can take, books you can read, and projects you can take on at work to show your leadership. Write these out in a list and then sit down with your supervisor and/or mentor to get their buy in and help. They will be able to start looking at opportunities for you to step up and showcase your abilities and can also make their own suggestions.

Remember! You can always re-evaluate your dream board, visions and goals as time goes on. End goals change. New visions emerge. Don’t be afraid to constantly evolve over time.

Do you use a dream board? If so, has it worked for you, and what other things have inspired you lately to BECOME?